From the New World
From the New World
(Classic Episode) Tyler Cowen: The Dark Side of Talent, Sorting and Institutions

(Classic Episode) Tyler Cowen: The Dark Side of Talent, Sorting and Institutions

The Audience Favorite Episode

Last week I brought you my favorite episode from the archives, with Samo Burja. I asked on twitter for my audience’s favorite episode and unsurprisingly it is this one. There’s no doubt that part of this is because Tyler is the most well-known guest on this podcast. But listening to the episode in hindsight, my impression of it is better than it was before. It remains true that I didn’t have the time to ask many questions I was interested in (I have whole sections of prep labelled “Georgism”, “economics^2“, “global hierarchies“ that were left untouched, and there was much more on immigrant subcommunities). Nonetheless, it seems to be like my podcast contained much novelty on an avenue of the Tyler Cowen thought, at least in public, and preceeded some popular marginal revolution posts, such as

Tyler Cowen is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University and writer of the legendary blog Marginal Revolution alongside Alex Tabarrok. We discuss talent, Ontario, immigrants, institutional trust, power attractors, the Intellectual Dark Web, public health, the internet, generation Z, the significance of social change versus technology, upsides of wokeness, populism, imposter syndrome, self-deception, and corporate hiring.

Marginal Revolution

Talent by Tyler Cowen and Daniel Gross


From the New World Episode with Zvi Mowshowitz:

From the New World
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From the New World
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